0, 25.07.2021 17:37

Asparagus acutifolius en Izpostavljeno

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We grow willd asparagus plants (Asparagus acutifolia) from seed .

Sadike divjih špargljev (Asparagus acutifolia) vzgajamo iz semena.

A lot of plants have already been grown in our nursery.

Vzgojili smo že kar nekaj sadik.

In nature we find them in areas with Mediterranean climate, but we have proven by experiments that they can survive -20 ° C without any problems (and without winter protection). They must although be planted in well-drained soil, as stagnant water in the root area can kill them. 

Our plants have been growing in Logatec for about 8 years now.

The following minimum temperatures were recorded during this period (screenshots of the weather station - from the page www.wunderground.com):

-21,1°C in December 2014

-20,6°C in January 2017

-21,7°C in February 2018

Spring frost 2021:

High temperatures in February, then cooling. The evergreen shoots withered, but the plants soon sprouted again:

25.3.2021 Logatec

28.4.2021 Logatec

07.05.2021 Logatec

06.06.2021 Logatec

06.06.2021 Logatec

Spring shoots are usually harvested in the wild. If we want to collect a larger amount, the work is demanding and quite time consuming.

Spomladanske poganjke običajno nabiramo v naravi.

Seed before being cleaned.

Neočiščeno seme.


Oplodja je potrebno odstraniti.

Washed and dried.

Oprana in posušena.

Sprouted seeds in a sowing box.

Nakaljena semena v setvenem zabojčku.

The root is growing nicely.

Koreninica se lepo razvija.

The long first root indicates that the plant will develop a very deep root system.

Dolga korenina še preden se pojavijo prvi poganjki.

Ready to plant in pots.

Pripravljena za sajenje v lončke.

Sowing trays in unheated greenhouse.

Setveni platoji.

Preden gre "v delo".

Some seeds are sown in multi trays.

Nekaj semena posejemo v multiplošče.

Nekaj semena posejemo v multiplošče.

Plants in pots.

Plants in pots.

Plants in pots.

Plants in pots.

Ready to be shipped.

Our wild asparagus is an evergreen perennial that has pungent shoots.

Kraški špargelj je zimzelena trajnica, ki ima pikajoče poganjke.

The flowers are bright yellow.

Cvetovi so svetlo rumene barve.

Very few plants develop seeds. Wild asparagus is a dioecious plant, which means that there are both female and male plants.

Zelo malo rastlin razvije semena. Divji špargelj je dvodomna rastlina, kar pomeni, da obstajajo tako ženske, kot moške rastline.

In nature.

Zelo malo rastlin razvije semena. Divji špargelj je dvodomna rastlina, kar pomeni, da obstajajo tako ženske, kot moške rastline.

Prebrano 3163 krat Nazadnje urejano na 0, 06.12.2022 07:06

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